Dunfermline Abbey
- Scotland has 8 cities.
- The smallest by population is Stirling with 37,000 people, while the largest is Glasgow with 600,000 people.
- Inverness is the furthest north, Aberdeen is the furthest east, Edinburgh and Glasgow are almost equally furthest south, while Glasgow is furthest west.
- Dunfermline is Scotland’s newest city, designated by HM The Queen for her Platinum Jubilee in 2022.
- Dundee is Scotland’s oldest official city, having been declared by Queen Victoria in 1889.
- Edinburgh wasn’t always Scotland’s capital – Perth, Dunfermline and Inverness have all been capitals before.
- Edinburgh was declared Europe’s leading sustainable destination for 2023 by the World Travel Awards.
- Dundee’s RRS Discovery was honoured as Tourism Attraction of the Year at 2024’s Scottish Hospitality Awards.