Hogmanay & New Year in Scotland

Why would you choose a New Year break in Scotland? No other country celebrates the New Year with quite as much passion and celebration as Scotland.

Hogmanay fireworks in Edinburgh

Feux d’artifice à l’occasion de Hogmanay, Édimbourg

© VisitScotland / Kenny Lam

Hogmanay across Scotland

Hogmanay is what we Scots call New Year's Eve - 31 December - the big night that marks the arrival of the new year. Its origins reach back to the celebration of the winter solstice among the Vikings with wild parties in late December.

Everything you need to know about Hogmanay

There are many old Hogmanay rituals and customs that are celebrated in Scotland to this day. The origins of many of them are unknown, but many are believed to bring good luck for the New Year.

Auld Lang Syne

When the clock strikes midnight on Hogmanay, many of us around the world will celebrate by singing Auld Lang Syne. But do you know all the lyrics, or even the meaning of this famous centuries-old folk song? 

Discover what the Scots words in Auld Lang Syne mean, why Robert Burns wrote it and why we all love it so much.

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