Loch Ness & Highlands Tour

Elena Pederiva
Lesedauer: 8 Minuten November 02, 2023

Guided tours are perhaps one of the best ways to have an up-close and unique encounter with the history and landscapes around you. That’s why I took a tour up through some of the most spectacular scenery of Scotland, from unspoilt nature to unforgettable glens and lochs. What better way to explore a country than on an organised tour with an experienced guide? 

Loch Ness

© VisitScotland/Kenny Lam

Come with me to the Scottish Highlands

Der River Lochy und Ben Nevis, Fort William

Unspoilt landscapes of the Highlands

A cruise boat on Loch Ness

Ein Boot auf dem Loch Ness

© VisitScotland/Kenny Lam

Scotland's most famous loch

From north to south

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