It’s all going on at St Andrews Museum - a stunning Victorian mansion nestled in the grounds of Kilnburn Park. We have a lively series of temporary exhibitions and a regular programme of talks, concerts and children’s workshops. Free admission and Wifi - a great day out for the whole family that's both educational and fun!
St Andrews A - Z Exhibition
Explore the town’s fascinating past as a centre of Scottish and global culture through an amazing collection of displays, objects and images. They help to tell its story from the 12th century to its current day incarnation as a major university hub and the spiritual home of golf.
Among the many new objects on show are a hoard of medieval coins found in St Andrews. These were acquired in 2018, with funding from the National Fund for Acquisitions, through the Treasure System, which ensures that artefacts of archaeological and historical significance are preserved in public collections.
Also on show is a magnificent embroidered banner created in 1823 for the Thistle and Rose Lodge of the Free Gardeners Society, St Andrews.
Other new exhibits include a St Andrews board game featuring well-known businesses from 2002, and a beer bottle designed by local artist Susan McGill for the first beer brewed in town for more than 100 years by the St Andrews Brewing Company in 2014.
Museum-goers can see a new display of precious mementoes linked to the 1st Independent Polish Parachute Brigade, formed in Fife during the Second World War.
Did you know you can view some of St Andrew’s Museum’s art collection on the Art UK website?
Unearthed, our family friendly exhibition, has arrived at St. Andrews Museum (until 27 Sept 25). Step back in time to where it all began in our latest family-friendly exhibition. Find out how Scotland was formed, which creatures roamed the land and discover the treasures left by people in Fife over thousands of years. Unearthed features a host of rare and exciting objects, from precious stones and fossil fish to beautifully crafted Bronze Age beaker pots and Viking jewellery. Dig deeper and you will discover some amazing facts – did you know that the land we now call Scotland first formed near the South Pole?